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6 November 2023
We have some exciting news to share about the future of KK&P.
9 January 2025
KK&P is building up our network of freelance Associate Consultants to support a broad range of projects over the course of 2025 and beyond. Associate Consultants work on a project-by-project basis, providing research and consulting support to Senior Analysts and Partners. Associate Consultants may be in the early stages of their careers or decades in;...
6 October 2022
An innovative collaboration between two longtime KK&P clients—the Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association (RINLA) and the Rhode Island Food Policy Council (RIFPC)—allowed for the launch of a new interdisciplinary Associate degree in ‘Environment, Sustainability, and Management’ at the Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI).
30 September 2022
This historic event was held on September 28, 2022, more than 50 years after the first.
28 September 2022
We welcome our readers to review the RFEI and forward it to organizations who may be interested in partnering with WSCAH to develop or grow their neighborhood-based healthy food distribution initiatives.
23 September 2022
This summer, KK&P welcomed three new associate consultants to the company.
28 April 2022
KK&P is thrilled to announce the release of our report, Agriculture and Local Food Economies in the Appalachian Region, prepared for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC). The report is the culmination of over a year and a half of research and development by KK&P, looking at current trends, dynamics, and opportunities in local and regional food economies across the Appalachian Region.
20 April 2022
Adaptation, distribution, and, above all, partnership, are essential to small dairy survival.
13 April 2022
How KK&P helped a coalition of NYC’s largest emergency food providers launch a collective purchasing program.
24 November 2021
KK&P is working to proactively advance our commitment to reducing bias and injustice across agriculture, food, and health systems.
20 November 2021
Karen Karp and Senior Consultant Ben Kerrick talk about the period between 2016 and 2020 and KK&P’s long history of guiding values-driven procurement by institutions and corporations.
18 November 2021
Karen Karp & Partners is pleased to announce that Maxwell Bernstein has joined the company as a staff consultant.